Side hustles are popular ways to earn extra money but one young mum has ditched her corporate job in favour of her part time passion as a income mentor that is passive. Niki, known on TikTok as ‘slowlivingsimplifed’ has shared how she has done it and how others could make this kind of money to help ease the cost of living.
When it comes to making money, experts say that the number one tip is to choose a business or passion that will make money it sounds so simple when I say all you need to do is create the course, build your sales page and find a steady flow of eyeballs to read about your course and buy it.
“The while you sleep.
Life and business coach Lucy Griffiths previously told reality is you’ll have moments of frustration; yes, every so often, creating a business that is course-based complex, complicated and bloody hard work, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make this a reality.”10 tricks to avoid Jeremy Hunt’s Capital Gains Tax raid
She has written a book called Make Money you Money 24hrs a Day.
Lucy said anyone can do it but it does take a lot of work in the beginning to get up and running.“Passive income is about generating revenue on repeat.Karshare“It’s also known as recurring income, but whatever term you use, it’s something that requires a hefty dose of drive, determination and work that is hard get right up and running.”
10 alternative methods people can earn an additional £500 30 days:JustPark 1
– all people want to get started is really a room that is spare*)2 Stashbee – make around £600 a month
3 TaskRabbit – renting out of the driveway could earn people over £100
4 TV and film extra– let someone store their stuff into the loft and earn up to £300
5 Tour Guide – limitless earnings dependent on leisure time
6 Homesitting – as much as £200 on a daily basis
7 Market Research – as much as £300 each day in London
8 Skillshare – around £20 per day but it is a less strenuous way of living
Source link 9 (*)- up to £50 an hour or so however the tasks are few and far between(*)10 (*)- limitless earnings dependent on leisure time and skills.(*)